Monday, February 24, 2014

A New Commandment

Turn the other cheek? What? To walk in the footsteps of Christ is not easy.  If we are the temples in which God resides there is no room for hatred or revenge. Our God is the God who saves; He is our redeemer;He is our salvation. If we are his temple, we must emulate his mercy. We must forgive as he has forgiven and continues to forgive. We are invited to partake in and for fill his love and bring ourselves to perfection. Paul is the greatest testament of Christ's forgiveness, he became a great temple of Christ's love. We must try to be perfect as our father is perfect. Is that difficult? Well, yes, it can be but that is the challenge our faith journey. Nothing in life is easy. Can we turn the other cheek? Yes, we can. The God of love, the God who sent his son for our salvation said we could, we should. Pick your battles and you will find that with your eyes and heart focused on Christ your battles will be less. Live in the love of Christ. See as He sees and Love one another as He has Loved you!


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